
Friday, 29 November 2013

End of Year Class Party

Children in 3/4D, 3/4F and 4/5JD will be having their class party on Tuesday 17th December 2013 at 12.00pm. The children may bring their own lunch or may order a special lunch.  If you would like your child to have a special lunch, please complete the order form from Subway (the children have received one of these) and return it with the correct money to school by Thursday 12th December 2013. The special lunch will be delivered from Subway in Mitcham. Please note that children are not permitted to bring food to share at school due to food allergies.

Kris Kringle

As part of our Christmas celebrations this year we will be having a class Kris Kringle. Please note that participation in this is completely optional. If your child would like to participate they will need to bring a $5 present to school on or before Wednesday 18th December. If your child is a boy they will need to bring a present that is suitable for a boy, and if your child is a girl they will need to bring a present suitable for a girl. The present will need to be wrapped and labelled with either girl or boy. The children will bring a note home about this.

What's on This Week...? (Term 4, Week 9)

This week, the focus will be rehearsal for the community evening. In Maths, we will be making a treasure hunt map with coordinates and directions and cards for our buddy class to use in week 10. The students will finish off their self evaluations this week. We are into our third week of class rotations and the kids are enjoying them. We will do some cooking on Wednesday as well. Three weeks to go...!!!

Community Evenings Song Word List

Here are the words to the Horrible Histories song we are learning:

In Britain's Georgian times
There were so many crimes
No time to hang each crook guilty of a felony
Cos there's no room to jail you
They'd send you to Australia
To live in our new-fangled penal colony
Think that sounds like heaven?
In 1787, it wasn't that kind of once in a lifetime trip
First fleet took the journey
Months at sea so churny
Over 40 died while they were on the ship

Those that lived were plucky
Plucky, plucky, plucky
Crammed on board with rats and vermin, cockroaches in bed
Stench inside was sicky
Yucky, yucky, icky
Lice not very nice, can't get them out of my head

Landed Bay of Botany
Convicts' life was rotteny
Needed food and shelter but everything failed
Trees too strong for felling
Stagnant water smelling
A real step back in time in New South Wales
Soil too poor for budding
Huts washed up by flooding
Plans for building houses came to sticky ends
The best of all their labours
Attacked by local neighbours
And that is when your neighbours don't become good friends

Situation tricky
Tricky, tricky, tricky
Then a second fleet of ships was due aground
Some thought this was lucky
But illness had strucky
Half were dead or ill
Fever was spinning around
After seven years
Convict record clears
Just one catch
You got to pay your own way back
No wages meant no money
No choice, but what's funny
Many stayed, became farmers and made a stack
Original arrivers
Proved hardy survivors
Sydney turned into a place you'd choose to go
Think that they'd be fairer
To convicts who were sent there?
No way they built prisons even more remote

Port Arthur was one of the jails
Where every escape attempt fails
Was one man who nearly got through
Billy Hunt dressed as a kangaroo

Inmate's life still sucky
Sucky, sucky, sucky
Life behind bars was not very nice
Hideous and messy
Who would ever guessy
This hellhole would become a
Holiday paradise?

Homework (Term 4, Week 8)

Focus: Reading 4 times a week (15-20 mins).
Task: Make sure your parents/adult signs your diary.

Focus: Famous Scientist Project.
Task: Choose a famous scientist. Begin researching your famous scientist and make a presentation to present to the class. Follow the instructions on the sheet. Your presentation is due on Wednesday 11th of December.

Focus: Community Evening Performance.
Task: Practice the First Fleet song and learn the words. View the video at: Use your word sheet or read the words on the 3/4F BlogSpot (see a separate post).

Weekly Spelling Words
Task: Learn your 10 spelling words. Practice them by any of the spelling activity we have learnt this year.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Interview With the Stars of 3/4F...

Sorry to miss last week's 'Interview with the Stars of 3/4F'. Here is this week's and last week's instalment...

Favourite movie: Pitch Perfect
Who do you barrack for? Essendon
What is your nickname? Kat
Do you have a pet? Guinea Pig
What game do you like? Cluedo
Favourite Food? Meat Pie
Best subject at school? PE
Best friend? Montannah

Favourite movie? The Internship.
Who do you barrack for? Tigers.
What is your nick name? Brad.
Do you have a pet? Yes.
What game do you like? Minecraft.
Favourite Food? Tandoori Chicken.
Best subject at school?  ICT
Best friend? Daniel B

Favourite movie? Planes.
Who do you barrack for? Richmond.
What is your nick name? Matt
Do you have a pet? Yes.
What game do you like? Minecraft.
Favourite Food? Pizza.
Best subject at school? PE
Best friend? Oliver.

Favourite movie? UMC.
Who do you barrack for? Carlton.
What is your nick name? Big Bull.
Do you have a pet? Yes.
What game do you like? Minecraft.
Favourite Food? Pizza.
Best subject at school? PE
Best friend? Matthew

Friday, 22 November 2013

Week 7 Homework

Focus: Reading 4 times a week (15-20 mins).
Task: Make sure your parents/adult signs your diary.

Weekly Spelling Words
Task: Learn your 10 spelling words. Practice them by any of the spelling activity we have learnt this year.

Focus: Forces.
Task: This week we explored magnetic forces. Visit this web site: Explore the web page and complete the quizzes. Write five things that you learnt in your homework book.

Focus:  Number.
Task: Design a zoo that has 100 pairs of legs. Draw the zoo which includes your animals in your homework book. Include at least 4 different animals. Show your working out.

What's on this week...? (Term 4, Week 8)

Only four weeks to go!!! Wow! This year has gone by so quickly. On Monday we will be harvesting the winter vegetables with our buddy class, and planting the summer crops. This week in Maths, we will revisit fractions using some game based activities. In English, we will finish our self evaluations and begin write narratives. Our grammar focus is speech, so we will incorporate this into our narratives. The students have completed their first rotation of activities with other teachers. They continue again this week. We will look at air resistance this week as part of our Fabulous Forces unit. Another exciting week. Have fun.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

What's on this week...? (Term 4, Week 7)

This week the children continue working on their self evaluations that will form part of their report. We continue to look at graphing in maths, concentrating on line graphs. We will look at some magnet magic and helicopter forces as part of our Fabulous Forces topic. We will also be breaking up into 4 groups and attending other classes as the 2/3, 3/4 and 4/5 teachers begin a four week rotation of activities including slowmation video, robotics, digital art and science/technology. Each week the students will attend a different session with different students from the other classes. This will be great! Five weeks of the year left! Wow!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Billy Cart Workshop

Today's Billycart workshop was a great success with the kids really enjoying the activities. There were four activities:

1. Design a billy cart.
2. 'Free design' in the workshop.
3. Make a billy cart race.
4. Ride a billy cart.

The team work, especially for the 'Make a billycart race' was exceptional. They all learnt a lot about the forces that are required to make a billy cart, but also about how to out one together. Here are some pictures:


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Interview with the stars of 3/4F

Here's this week's instalment of Interview with the Stars of 3/4F...

Favourite movie: Despicable Me 2
Who do you barrack for? No one
What is your nickname? Pekot
Do you have a pet? Used to have a fish
What game do you like? Minecraft
Favourite Food?   Apples
Best subject at school? PE
Best friend? Daniel S

Favourite movie? Don't have one.
Who do you barrack for? Hawthorn.
What is your nick name? Don't have one.
Do you have a pet? No.
What game do you like? Don't have a game I like.
Favourite Food?  Fruit.
Best subject at school?  Indonesian.
Best friend?  Jasmine

Saturday, 9 November 2013

What's on this week...? (Term 4, week 6)

What a great week we just had, despite it being a short week! We got to test our solar ovens on Wednesday which worked really well and we learnt about chance through games such as the 'Melbourne Cup' and other horse racing games. The kids also had their first transition session in preparation for moving into grade 4 and 5. This week will also be fun. Monday is Remembrance Day and we will be going to the service in Haliday Park. On Wednesday we have our billy cart workshop as part of our forces topic. Our focus in Maths will be data and how to collect and record it. In Literacy, we begin writing our self evaluations in preparation for our reports. This will take a couple of weeks. We are half way through the term and on the home stretch to the end of the year. Have a great week.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Billy Cart Forms Due

Hi All,

Just a reminder that the forms and money for the Billy Cart Workshop were due earlier this week. If you have not yet returned it, please do so ASAP. The workshop is next Wednesday and I would like all children to participate.


Interview with the Stars of 34F

Here's this week's instalment of Interview with the Stars of 3/4F

Favourite movie: Friday the 13th
Who do you barrack for? Hawks!
What is your nickname? Atti
Do you have a pet? Yes
What game do you like? Red Dead Redemption
Favourite Food?   Crepes
Best subject at school? Integrated
Best friend? Ryan

Favourite movie? Holiday in the Sun
Who do you barrack for? Geelong Cats
What is your nick name? Bullet
Do you have a pet? Yes, 3.
What game do you like? Halo
Favourite Food?  Mac n Cheese
Best subject at school?  PE
Best friend?  Jason

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

A Great Day for Solar Ovens

With weather like it was today, it was perfect to take our solar ovens outside and cook up a storm! Well, Marshmallows and chocolate on biscuits anyway! And that's exactly what we did. They worked well and everyone enjoyed eating the results. Here is the outcome...

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Homework (Term 4, Week 5)

Focus: Reading 4 times a week (15-20 mins).
Task: Make sure your parents/adult signs your diary.

Focus: Forces.
Task: Complete the word search by finding all the ‘force’ words.

Weekly Spelling Words
Focus: Past tense.
Task: Change the 10 words below into past tense. Practice them by putting them in a sentence or using another spelling activity.
1.        Buy
2.       Deliver
3.       Go
4.       Live
5.       Eat
6.       Bring
7.       Know
8.       Teach
9.       Read
10.    Think

Focus: Mapping/Coordinates
Task: Complete the sheet on mapping and coordinates.

Focus: Types of forces.
Task: This week we learnt about the forces of friction, gravity, and resistance. Now, have a look at this web site:
Read about the different forces, and write their definitions in your homework book. Draw a picture to describe each force. Then, take the quiz and play the game.

What's Happening This Week.. (Week 5, Term 4)

This week, the children can look forward to testing their solar ovens. It looks like Wednesday will have the most suitable weather, so we'll most likely do it then. In Maths, we focus on probability. We will even run our own version of the Melbourne Cup on Monday! Who's horse will win? In English, we continue to look at the explanation writing genre, and will practice this by writing explanations of our solar ovens. We also explore the use of connectives in our writing to join or extend sentences. Finally we will continue to look at our Fabulous Forces topic, and explore some of the forces and how they work, including gravity and friction. Have a great week.