
Thursday, 18 December 2014


We have finally reached the last day of school for the year. What a year it has been! We have done so much and each of the children have demonstrated growth across the curriculum. I would like to thank all the children for letting me teach them. I have got to know them all very well and have enjoyed the year. They are all very special and will be able to achieve great things in the future. Thanks also to you, the parents, for all your support of the children. The link between school and home is critical to ensure that children get the best of their education. So thanks for that help.

Remember that tomorrow (Friday 19th December 2014) is a shorter day than normal. We will finish at 1:30pm so please arrive early to pick up your child/children.

Finally, have a wonderful, relaxing and safe summer holiday. Good luck as you move into grade 4 and 5!


Friday, 12 December 2014

Class End of Year Celebration

We will be celebrating our end of year class party at Haliday Park on Wednesday 17th December. Subway lunches will arrive on the day if you ordered one. Otherwise, please bring your lunch from home.

Kris Kringle Reminder

Just a reminder that that if you would like to participate in Kris Kringle, please bring the gifts on or before Wednesday 17th December. Remember the $5 limit.

Bring Home Items

Next week is the final week of the year. As a result, your child will be bringing their books and other items home throughout the week. It may be helpful for your child to bring an additional bag to carry items home. As the child has a lot of things to bring home, we will begin bringing things home on Monday and take a bit more each day to lighten the load. Thanks.

What's on this week...? (Term 4, FINAL WEEK!!!!!)

Well, we have finally made it to the final week. This week, we will be having our final buddy activity for the year. We will be hiding treasure around the school and our 1/2 buddies will have to find it using our maps we have made. On Wednesday we will have our class Christmas party at Haliday Park. We will be eating our Subway orders then and celebrating the end of a big year with some fun at the park! We will find out the MOSCARS winners this week. We will be packing up the classroom and bringing home our books - It may be useful for your child to bring another bag to bring some of their supplies home in. Finally, on Friday the students will find out their new classes for 2015 and we will be finishing early (at 1:30pm). Enjoy the last week.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Community Evening Tomorrow Night

Just a reminder that the community evening will be held tomorrow night (Wednesday 10th December). Please ensure that you sign your child in at the classroom between 6:30-6:45pm for a 7pm start. See you then...

Friday, 5 December 2014

Subway Lunch - Due Friday 12th December

To celebrate the end of the year, the 3/4 classes will be having a special lunch in the last week of term (Wednesday 17th December) at Haliday Park. Your child was given an order form today. It is not compulsory to order lunch, but if you would like to, please return the completed order form and the correct money (change will not be given) by Friday 12th December. Late orders may not be able to be added.

Christmas Stall

A notice has been sent home today about the Christmas Stall. The stall will be held on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th of December. A variety of gifts can be purchased between $2 and $6. Children will need to bring their own shopping bag to bring their items home.

What's on this week...? (Term 4, Week 10)

This is the second last week of the year!! It is also planning week, so there will be a slightly different timetable than normal. This week the children will make treasure maps for their buddies to use during our final buddy activity in the last week. They will also be trapped in a snow dome and write about what it is like! We complete our history unit on community change. We continue to rehearse our community evening performances with the big night on Wednesday. We will complete our published work books and prepare to take some of our things home towards the end of the week. Friday is the final class transition. Another big week. Hope to see you all at the concert on Wednesday night...

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Homework (Term 4, week 9)

This week will be our last week of homework for the year

Focus: Reading (15-20 mins).
Task: Read at least 4 times a week. Make sure your parents/adult signs your diary.

Weekly Spelling Words
Focus: Spelling.
Task: Learn your 10 words. Can you get 10/10 this week?

Focus: Area.
Task: My Aunt Annie left me 120m2 of land when she passed away. I wonder what shape my land might be. What might the dimensions be? Find at least 3 possible solutions. Draw the solutions in your homework book. Remember to include the measurements and your working out.

Focus: Reflection.
Task: As we come to the end of the year, it is good to reflect on what we have done and learnt. Your task is to think about your top 3 most amazing things you have done this year and write about them. Include details and use neat handwriting.

What's on This Week...? (Term 4, Week 9)

Three weeks to go! Wow how fast has this year gone! This week we will begin story maths. We will read stories such as Uno's Garden and My Half Day and talk about the maths concepts and patterns. We will then write our own maths stories. We will watch our MOSCARS movies, set up for Christmas, attend Anthony's Rock Concert (on Wednesday) where many of our class will be performing, continue with our history unit and complete our science unit and rehearse for the Community Evening Performance. A big week! Enjoy it!

Kris Kringle

As part of our Christmas celebrations this year we will be having a class Kris Kringle. Please note that participation in this is completely optional. If your child would like to participate they will need to bring a $5 present to school on or before Wednesday 17th December. If your child is a boy they will need to bring a present that is suitable for a boy, and if your child is a girl they will need to bring a present suitable for a girl. The present will
need to be wrapped and labelled with either girl or boy.