
Friday 15 August 2014

What's on next week...? (Term 3, Week 6)

This week is a shorter week due to a curriculum day on Monday. We will begin a new focus in maths for the next two weeks, looking at decimals and percentages. We will continue writing information reports in English. As part of our inquiry topic (Beneath Our Feet), we will examine volcanos and write an information report about them. Our focus is on vocabulary this week, so we will learn some new scientific language around the creation of mountains and volcanos and how the Earth works! We will continue the 'Beneath our Feet' inquiry unit, this week focusing on how rocks change over time, using hard mud balls to simulate the process of erosion and change. On Tuesday we will meet with our buddy class and get stuck into the vegetable garden, preparing it for the summer harvest (depending on the weather). We will also have lunch with our buddies. In ICT we continue to work our way through the Mookii World activities in eduPLEX, developing the children's ICT skills and knowledge of MS Office products. Over the next two weeks we celebrate Science and Enviro Weeks and we will be building our scientific food producing sculpture using recycled materials. A busy week ahead!!! Enjoy it!

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